

Result(schema: superlinked.framework.common.schema.id_schema_object.IdSchemaObject, entries:[superlinked.framework.dsl.query.result.ResultEntry], knn_params:[str, typing.Any] | None = None) : A class representing the result of a query.

    schema (IdSchemaObject): The schema of the result.
    entries (Sequence[ResultEntry]): A list of result entries.

### Class variables


`knn_params:[str, typing.Any] | None`

`schema: superlinked.framework.common.schema.id_schema_object.IdSchemaObject`

### Methods

`to_pandas(self) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
:   Converts the query result entries into a pandas DataFrame.
    Each row in the DataFrame corresponds to a single entity in the result, with
    columns representing the fields of the stored objects. An additional score column
    is present which shows similarity to the query vector.
        DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame where each row represents a result entity, and
            each column corresponds to the fields of the stored objects. Additionally,
            it contains the above-mentioned score column.
        ValueError: If both 'similarity_score' and 'superlinked_similarity_score' fields are present.

ResultEntry(entity: superlinked.framework.common.storage_manager.search_result_item.SearchResultItem, stored_object: dict[str, typing.Any]) : Represents a single entry in a Result, encapsulating the entity and its associated data.

    entity (SearchResultItem): The entity of the result entry.
        This is an instance of the SearchResultItem class, which represents a unique entity in the system.
        It contains header information such as the entity's ID and schema and the queried fields.
    stored_object (dict[str, Any]): The stored object of the result entry.
        This is essentially the raw data that was input into the system.

### Class variables

`entity: superlinked.framework.common.storage_manager.search_result_item.SearchResultItem`

`stored_object: dict[str, typing.Any]`

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