Query Mixin


QueryMixin() : A mixin class that provides query execution capabilities for classes that include it. This class sets up the necessary infrastructure to execute queries on a set of indices using a storage manager.

### Descendants

* superlinked.framework.dsl.app.online.online_app.OnlineApp

### Methods

`query(self, query_obj: superlinked.framework.dsl.query.query.QueryObj, **params: Any) ‑> superlinked.framework.dsl.query.result.Result`
:   Execute a query using the provided QueryObj and additional parameters.
        query_obj (QueryObj): The query object containing the query details.
        **params (Any): Additional parameters for the query execution.
        Result: The result of the query execution.
        QueryException: If the query index is not found among the executor's indices.

`setup_query_execution(self, indices: collections.abc.Sequence[superlinked.framework.dsl.index.index.Index], storage_manager: superlinked.framework.common.storage_manager.storage_manager.StorageManager) ‑> None`
:   Set up the query execution environment by initializing a mapping between indices
    and their corresponding QueryVectorFactory instances.
        indices (Sequence[Index]): A sequence of Index instances to be used for query execution.
        storage_manager (StorageManager): The storage manager instance to be used.

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