Dataframe Parser


DataFrameParser(schema: IdSchemaObjectT, mapping: Mapping[SchemaField, str] | None = None) : DataFrameParser gets a pd.DataFrame and using column-string mapping it transforms the DataFrame to a desired schema.

Initialize DataParser

Get the desired output schema and initialize a default mapping
that can be extended by DataParser realizations.

    schema (IdSchemaObjectT): SchemaObject describing the desired output.
    mapping (Mapping[SchemaField, str], optional): Realizations can use the `SchemaField` to `str` mapping
        to define their custom mapping logic.

    InitializationException: Parameter `schema` is of invalid type.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* superlinked.framework.common.parser.data_parser.DataParser
* abc.ABC
* typing.Generic

### Methods

`unmarshal(self, data: pd.DataFrame) ‑> list[superlinked.framework.common.parser.parsed_schema.ParsedSchema]`
:   Parses the given DataFrame into a list of ParsedSchema objects according to the defined schema and mapping.
        data (pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame input.
        list[ParsedSchema]: A list of ParsedSchema objects that will be processed by the spaces.

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