Text Similarity Space


chunk(text: superlinked.framework.common.schema.schema_object.String, chunk_size: int | None = None, chunk_overlap: int | None = None, split_chars_keep: list[str] | None = None, split_chars_remove: list[str] | None = None) ‑> superlinked.framework.common.dag.chunking_node.ChunkingNode : Create smaller chunks from the given text, a String SchemaFieldObject. It is helpful when you search for more granular information in your text corpus. It is recommended to try different chunk_sizes to find what fits best your use-case. Chunking respects word boundaries.

        text (String): The String field the text of which is to be chunked.
        chunk_size (int | None, optional): The maximum size of each chunk in characters. Defaults to None, which means
        effectively using 250.
        chunk_overlap (int | None, optional): The maximum overlap between chunks in characters. Defaults to None, which
        means effectively using {}.
        split_chars_keep: Characters to split at, but also keep in the text. Should be characters that can signal
        meaningful breakpoints in the text. Effectively defaults to ["!", "?", "."].
        split_chars_remove: Characters to split at and remove from the text. Should be characters that can signal
        meaningful breakpoints in the text. Effectively defaults to ["

        ChunkingNode: The chunking node.


TextSimilaritySpace(text: superlinked.framework.common.schema.schema_object.String | superlinked.framework.common.dag.chunking_node.ChunkingNode | list[superlinked.framework.common.schema.schema_object.String | superlinked.framework.common.dag.chunking_node.ChunkingNode], model: str, cache_size: int = 10000) : A text similarity space is used to create vectors from documents in order to search in them later on. We only support (SentenceTransformers)[https://www.sbert.net/] models as they have finetuned pooling to encode longer text sequences most efficiently.

Initialize the TextSimilaritySpace.

    text (TextInput | list[TextInput]): The Text input or a list of Text inputs.
    It is a SchemaFieldObject (String), not a regular python string.
    model (str): The model used for text similarity.
    cache_size (int): The number of embeddings to be stored in an inmemory LRU cache.
    Set it to 0, to disable caching. Defaults to 10000.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* superlinked.framework.dsl.space.space.Space
* abc.ABC

### Instance variables

`annotation: str`

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