QueryExecutor(app: superlinked.framework.dsl.app.app.App, query_descriptor: superlinked.framework.dsl.query.query_descriptor.QueryDescriptor, query_vector_factory: superlinked.framework.dsl.query.query_vector_factory.QueryVectorFactory) : QueryExecutor provides an interface to execute predefined queries with query time parameters.
Initializes the QueryExecutor.
app: An instance of the App class.
query_descriptor: An instance of the QueryDescriptor class representing the query to be executed.
evaluator: An instance of the QueryDagEvaluator class used to evaluate the query.
### Methods
`calculate_query_node_inputs_by_node_id(self, query_descriptor: superlinked.framework.dsl.query.query_descriptor.QueryDescriptor) ‑> dict[str, list[superlinked.framework.query.query_node_input.QueryNodeInput]]`
`query(self, **params: collections.abc.Sequence[str] | collections.abc.Sequence[float] | PIL.Image.Image | str | int | float | bool | None | tuple[str | None, str | None]) ‑> superlinked.framework.dsl.query.result.QueryResult`
: Execute a query with keyword parameters.
**params: Arbitrary arguments with keys corresponding to the `name` attribute of the `Param` instance.
Result: The result of the query execution that can be inspected and post-processed.
QueryException: If the query index is not amongst the executor's indices.