NumberSpace(number: superlinked.framework.common.schema.schema_object.Number | list[superlinked.framework.common.schema.schema_object.Number], min_value: float | int, max_value: float | int, mode:, scale: = LinearScale(), aggregation_mode: = InputAggregationMode.INPUT_AVERAGE, negative_filter: float = 0.0) : NumberSpace is used to encode numerical values within a specified range. The range is defined by the min_value and max_value parameters. The preference can be controlled by the mode parameter.
Note: In similar mode you MUST add a similar clause to the query or it will raise.
number (SpaceFieldSet): A set of Number objects.
It is a SchemaFieldObject not regular python ints or floats.
min_value (float | int): This represents the minimum boundary. Any number lower than
this will be considered as this minimum value. It can be either a float or an integer.
It must larger or equal to 0 in case of scale=LogarithmicScale(base).
max_value (float | int): This represents the maximum boundary. Any number higher than
this will be considered as this maximum value. It can be either a float or an integer.
It cannot be 0 in case of scale=LogarithmicScale(base).
mode (Mode): The mode of the number embedding. Possible values are: maximum, minimum and similar.
Similar mode expects a .similar on the query, otherwise it will default to maximum.
scale (Scale): The scaling of the number embedding.
Possible values are: LinearScale(), and LogarithmicScale(base).
LogarithmicScale base must be larger than 1. It defaults to LinearScale().
aggregation_mode (InputAggregationMode): The aggregation mode of the number embedding.
Possible values are: maximum, minimum and average.
negative_filter (float): This is a value that will be set for everything that is equal or
lower than the min_value. It can be a float. It defaults to 0 (No effect)
Initializes the NumberSpace object.
number (SpaceFieldSet): A set of Number objects.
It is a SchemaFieldObject not regular python ints or floats.
min_value (float | int): This represents the minimum boundary. Any number lower than
this will be considered as this minimum value. It can be either a float or an integer.
It must larger or equal to 0 in case of scale=LogarithmicScale(base).
max_value (float | int): This represents the maximum boundary. Any number higher than
this will be considered as this maximum value. It can be either a float or an integer.
It cannot be 0 in case of scale=LogarithmicScale(base).
mode (Mode): The mode of the number embedding. Possible values are: maximum, minimum and similar.
Similar mode expects a .similar on the query, otherwise it will default to maximum.
scale (Scale): The scaling of the number embedding.
Possible values are: LinearScale(), and LogarithmicScale(base).
LogarithmicScale base must be larger than 1. It defaults to LinearScale().
aggregation_mode (InputAggregationMode): The aggregation mode of the number embedding.
Possible values are: maximum, minimum and average.
negative_filter (float): This is a value that will be set for everything that is equal or
lower than the min_value. It can be a float. It defaults to 0 (No effect)
### Ancestors (in MRO)
* superlinked.framework.common.interface.has_length.HasLength
* typing.Generic
* superlinked.framework.common.interface.has_annotation.HasAnnotation
* abc.ABC
### Instance variables
`allow_similar_clause: bool`
`transformation_config:[float, float]`