Interactive Source


InteractiveSource(schema: ~IdSchemaObjectT, parser: Optional[superlinked.framework.common.parser.data_parser.DataParser[~IdSchemaObjectT, ~SourceTypeT]] = None) : InteractiveSource represents a source of data, where you can put your data. This will supply the index with the data it needs to index and search in.

Initialize the InteractiveSource.

    schema (IdSchemaObject): The schema object.
    parser (DataParser | None, optional): The data parser. Defaults to JsonParser if None is supplied.

    InitializationException: If the schema is not an instance of SchemaObject.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* superlinked.framework.common.observable.TransformerPublisher
* superlinked.framework.common.source.source.Source
* typing.Generic

### Descendants

* superlinked.framework.dsl.source.in_memory_source.InMemorySource

### Methods

`put(self, data: Sequence[SourceTypeT]) ‑> None`
:   Put data into the InteractiveSource. This operation can take time as the vectorization
    of your data happens here.
        data (list[SourceTypeT]): The data to put.

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